VAT e-commerce rules for sales of goods have changed
If your business makes cross- border sales of goods on the web to private customers in the EU, or you operate an online platform through which businesses can sell goods cross-border to private EU customers, you should know that the rules for charging value added tax (VAT) changed dramatically from 1 July this year.
Tokanization of Real Estate Assets
If you haven't done it yet, register to the Moore Global real estate construction summit series "Building a global future". Our experts will deliver market and technology insight to the world of tokenization within the real estate sector.
Transfer Pricing Systems during the Coronavirus crisis
Moore Global latest transfer pricing technical insight on the residual profit split method and its new acceptance in Europe related to platform concepts.
European Transfer Pricing Brief
Recent years have witnessed a quickening pace of globalisation and a concomitant increase in cross-border business. This has consequently had an impact on transfer pricing, particularly within the Eurozone.
To navigate these changes, read the latest European Transfer Pricing Brief from our global leaders.
Covid-19 Financial Reporting implications
The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has fast become the defining global health crisis of our time and the greatest challenge to almost all entities, either directly or indirectly. There are significant disruptions to global supply chains, suspension, or in worst cases cessation of many business operations, significant volatility and downturn in financial, commodity and energy markets, unemployment or furloughs, and as a result all industries are facing unavoidable challenges associated with the economic conditions resulting from control measures and restrictions taken by respective governments to limit the spread of the virus.