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EU-Resident companies and the calculation of the tax base for capital gains: some news

šŸ“¢ AIDC, with Conduct Standard No. 225, clarifies the methods for calculating the taxable base for capital income, such as interest from loans, for companies and commercial entities residing in other EU member states.

Digital nomads and remote workers in EU Countries

In one of our last posts, we discussed digital nomads and the necessary conditions to obtain a work visa in Italy.  But what about the situation in other European countries?

Brain drain, the 5 recipes to counter it - Paolo Borghi interviewed by Avvenire

On Avvenire an interesting article by Maurizio Carucci on the brain drain in Italy and on the recent decree that introduced various facilities to encourage the return of Italians working abroad. According to data provided by Aire, as of 1 January 2023, almost 6 million Italians reside abroad. The reasons for this trend include the challenges in finding work, the limited availability of job opportunities offered by companies and the high cost of renting.

Employees who live in Italy but work for a foreign company

Always more often multinational companies that do not have headquarters in Italy find themselves in the situation where workers request the possibility to work remotely in countries different from those where they were hired.

Taxation in case of remote work for a foreign client

In recent years, the phenomenon of remote working (or smart working) has been constantly growing.

Brain drain? Between tax benefits and remuneration levels experts discuss the return of expats

Adnkronos: "Brain drain? Between tax benefits and salary levels experts compare on expat return'

Ultimate Beneficial Owner

With the publication in the Official Gazette No. 236 on October 9, 2023, the decree from the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT) dated September 29, 2023, has made the Register of Ultimate Beneficial Owners operational. The initial communications must be made by December 11, 2023.

VAT e-commerce rules for sales of goods have changed

If your business makes cross- border sales of goods on the web to private customers in the EU, or you operate an online platform through which businesses can sell goods cross-border to private EU customers, you should know that the rules for charging value added tax (VAT) changed dramatically from 1 July this year.    

Tokanization of Real Estate Assets

If you haven't done it yet, register to the Moore Global real estate construction summit series "Building a global future". Our experts will deliver market and technology insight to the world of tokenization within the real estate sector.  

VAT territoriality of distance sales

Stating July 1st, there is a main change that will affect VAT entities operating in the e-commerce sector - namely the abolition of the current reference thresholds for determining the VAT territoriality of distance sales.  

Brexit Agreements - Key Points

Just a matter of days before the transition agreement expired at the end of 2020, a ‘Trading & Co-operation Agreement’ (TCA) was reached between the UK government and the European Commission. The agreement will govern the UK/EU economic and trading relationship into the future. The complete document runs to over 1,200 pages, so we have pulled out the essential points to save you the trouble.

COVID 19 - Impact on Tax Treaties interpretation and TP

The impact of a pandemic crisis for International Tax Practitioners, Multinational Groups and Tax Administrations